se viste de letras
April 23 proclaimed as Spanish Language Day in Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and Toronto
Toronto, April 26, 2023. More and more cities in Canada are proclaiming April 23 as Spanish Language Day. This year, thanks to the request of the organization Canada Habla Español and its seven chapters, the municipal governments of Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon and Toronto were able to officially proclaim Spanish Day.
Commemorative activities were held in the five cities, in which the Spanish-speaking community had the opportunity to share the richness of this language.
In Toronto, more than 225+ people participated in the Toronto se Viste de Letras, which was attended by Mayoral Candidate Ana Bailao and the Spanish-American consular corps:

Juan Sanchez de Heredia, Consul General of Spain
Fernando Morales, Consul General of Chile
Hazel Hernandez, El Salvador
Porfirio Thierry Muñoz Ledo, Consul General of México
Maria Guevara, Consul General of Panama
Italo Acha, Consul General of Peru
Daniel Cadenazzi, Consul General of Uruguay
Rafael Galetto, Consul of Argentina
David Perez, Consul of Colombia
Edy Montalvan, Consul of Ecuador
Vice Consuls of Unit States:
Maritza Navarrete,
Audrey Hsieh
Daniel Londono
During the event the attendees enjoyed a rich cultural agenda such as the performances of the Mexican singer Pamela Archer, a play of Mississauga Players theater group on language differences between Spanish-speaking countries. Subsequently, the journalists Silvia Méndez and José Bendezú recited poetry from the region. At the end of the day, a tribute to the language was made through flamenco with the bailaoras Carla Soto and Carmela Shuell, who were the sensation of the night due to the histrionics of Carmela, a girl of only 9 eight years old, who won the applause of the public for her beautiful presentation.